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Encountering the media

When a reporter calls

When a reporter calls, begin by asking a few questions to learn more about the reporter’s agenda and to make sure that you are the appropriate person to be interviewed.

Questions for you to ask :

  1. What did you say your name is ? From which station (publication) ?
  2. What subject, and what particular aspect interests you ?
  3. Will you be talking to other people about this ?
  4. How much do you know about the subject ? Could I send you some background by FAX ?
  5. When will the story run ?
  6. What is your deadline ?

Negociate for time :

Before you agree to an interview, begin by negotiating several key points. First, negotiate time to prepare for the interview. There are several very good reasons for doing so :

“I’d like a few minutes to…”

…pull together the documents,”

…refresh my memory on it, “ etc .

Remember :

Don’t say anything to a reporter that you don’t want repeated. Even If you are invited to speak “off the record” – resist the temptation it could come back to haunt you.



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